01 Inventions Ltd![]() |
01Tracks![]() |
04ADR (Advanced Digital Revolution)![]() |
360Moms![]() |
Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair School of Advanced Computing![]() |
Access to Arabia![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5686588 Fax: +962-6-5650261 P.O. Box: 941648 Amman 11194 Jordan www.access2arabia.com |
Adaptive Techsoft![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5162001 www.ats-ware.com |
Adjust Systems Information Technology![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5680803 Fax: +962-6-5680804 P.O. Box: 20015 Amman 11118 Jordan www.adjustsystems.com |
Advanced Business Solutions (ABS)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5375800 P.O. Box: 140362 Amman Jordan Customer Service Number: +962-7-75555993 |
Advanced Technologies![]() |
Tel: +962-6- 5539388 Fax: +962-6-5539278 P.O. Box: 1842 Amman 11953 Jordan www.ad-tech.com.jo |
Agency 35![]() |
Al Bayanat Al- Raqamiah for Information Technology![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4648005 www.al-bayanat.com |
Al Faris National Investment Group (Optimiza)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5629999 Fax: +962-6-5629988 P.O. Box: 414 Amman 11953 Jordan www.optimizasolutions.me |
Al hodhud![]() |
Tel: +962-6-796699557 www.alhodhud.com |
Al Manhal![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5604101 Fax: +962-6-5695167 P.O. Box: 926395 Amman 11190 Jordan www.al-manhal.com |
Al Nasher Technical Services![]() |
Al Qistas for Information Technology![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5538895 Fax: +962-6-5527052 P.O. Box: 9028 Amman 11191 Jordan www.qistas.com Customer Service Number: +962-7-99891096 |
Al Siraj for Electronic Games Manufacture![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5151546 www.play3a.com |
Al-Durra of Modern Technology![]() |
Al-Fardthakh Tech and Data Science![]() |
AlBawaba Middle East Ltd.![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5658322 www.albawaba.com |
Algebra![]() |
Alocloud![]() |
Aman Information Systems![]() |
Aman Information Systems![]() |
Tel: +96265338565 Fax: +96265338534 P.O. Box: 2722 Amman 11821 Jordan https://aman-me.com/ Customer Service Number: +962775009710 |
AmwalCom![]() |
Applixya - 7th Dimension for Application Development![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5860015 P.O. Box: 144462 Amman 11814 Jordan www.applixya.com |
Aqaba Digital Hub (ADH)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5854646 +962-3-2033770 Fax: +962-3-2033771 P.O. Box: 143605 Amman 11814 Jordan www.naitel.jo |
Arab Advisors Group![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5681608 Fax: +962-6-5681530 P.O. Box: 2374 Amman 11821 Jordan www.arabadvisors.com |
Arabia Weddings![]() |
Tel: +962-6-795742492 P.O. Box: 830998 Amman 11183 Jordan www.arabiaweddings.com |
ArabiaCell![]() |
ArabiaWeather![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5860060 Fax: +962-6-5860061 P.O. Box: 907 Amman 11953 Jordan www.ArabiaWeather.com |
arabot![]() |
Aspire![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5163046 Fax: +962-6-5163042 P.O. Box: 840098 Amman 11181 Jordan www.aspire.jo |
Audiogram![]() |
Aumet![]() |
Awael Business & computers![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5528001 Fax: +962-6-5528015 P.O. Box: 2290 Amman 11910 Jordan www.awaeljo.com |
AYA E-Payment Services![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5509292 Fax: +962-6-5688019 P.O. Box: 930587 Amman 11193 Jordan https://www.aya.jo |
Balador![]() |
Batelco Jordan![]() |
Bayt.com![]() |
Beecell![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5861730 Fax: +962-6-5861780 P.O. Box: 840666 Amman 11181 Jordan www.beecell.com |
BeeLabs![]() |
Beladcom![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5543143 |
BEYE Group![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5337669 Fax: +962-6-5330774 P.O. Box: 2845 Amman 11181 Jordan www.beyegroup.com |
BIG by Orange![]() |
BIGO![]() |
Blessed Tree for Information Technology![]() |
Blue Care Medical![]() |
Blue Care Medical |
Blue Ray Web Solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5342861 Amman Jordan www.bluerayws.com Customer Service Number: +962-79-8517780 |
BMB![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5535803 Fax: +962-6-5535812 Amman Jordan www.bmbgroup.com |
Bridges PR & Events/ Bridges Digital![]() |
Brightminds![]() |
BroadNet Technologies![]() |
Tel: +96265858558 P.O. Box: 850093 Amman 11185 Jordan www.broadnet.me Customer Service Number: +96265858558 |
Business Consult![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5652288 Fax: +962-6-5693353 P.O. Box: 941336 Amman 11194 Jordan www.bus-consult.com |
Capstone Security![]() |
Carers App![]() |
Carjo Delivery![]() |
Case In Point![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5809634 Fax: +962-6-5805375 www.caseinpointlearning.com |
CashU![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5826097 Fax: +962-6-5821663 P.O. Box: 830184 Amman 11183 Jordan www.cashu.com |
cg imagine+invent![]() |
Chain Reaction![]() |
cirrusgo - AWS Advanced Partner![]() |
Tel: +962-79-7751000 Amman Jordan www.cirrusgo.com Customer Service Number: +962-6-5859993 |
Clicksides![]() |
Code Circle![]() |
CodeObia![]() |
Compliance Online Training (C.O.T)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5812155 Fax: +962-6-5812535 P.O. Box: 850212 Amman 11185 Jordan www.cot-us.com |
Computer & Communication Systems (CCS)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5344088 Fax: +962-6-5346494 P.O. Box: 950499 Amman 11195 Jordan www.ccs.com.jo |
Connection of Things![]() |
Converged Technology![]() |
CRIF Information Technology Solutions LLC![]() |
CrysTel![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5001333 Fax: +962-6-5001334 P.O. Box: 35191 Amman 11180 Jordan www.crystel.co |
Cubic Art Technologies (CATEC)![]() |
Damamax![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5777733 Fax: +962-6-5777744 P.O. Box: 4850 Amman 11953 Jordan www.damamax.jo Customer Service Number: +962-6-5777740 |
Dara For Computers![]() |
Dare Academy![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5162571 www.dareacademy-jo.com |
Data Consult![]() |
Delta Informatics![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5160371 Fax: +962-6-5160372 P.O. Box: 629 Amman 11953 Jordan www.delta.com.jo |
DigiArabs![]() |
Digital Haze![]() |
Digital Pointers![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5156897 Amman Jordan www.digitalPointers.com Customer Service Number: +962-79-6657927 |
Dinarak![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5519090 Fax: +962-6-5563232 P.O. Box: 3436 Amman 11821 Jordan www.dinarak.com |
dot.jo![]() |
DPS Digital Payment Services![]() |
Tel: 00962-79-9031001 P.O. Box: 2030 ِ Amman 11181 jordan www.dps-me.com Customer Service Number: 00962-6-4622522 |
Dream Techs for Digital Solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-799999766 Amman Jordan www.dreamtechs.co Customer Service Number: +962-79-9093444 |
DV8![]() |
EappEra![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5373300 Amman - Jordan www.eappera.com Customer Service Number: +962-7-95011141 |
Eastern Networks (EastNets)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5600150 Fax: +962-6-560-6900 P.O. Box: 942128 Amman 11194 Jordan www.eastnets.com |
Easy Robot kit![]() |
Echo Technology L.L.C![]() |
Edaura Inc.![]() |
Ejada![]() |
Electronic Health Solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5800461 Fax: +962-6-5800464 P.O. Box: 4408 Amman 11953 Jordan www.ehs.com.jo |
Tel: +962-65540899 Fax: +962-5530929 P.O. Box: 143798 Amman 11814 Jordan www.electrosec.net |
Email Solutions![]() |
EMC Computer Systems![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5507830 P.O. Box: 435 Amman 11821 Jordan www.emc.com |
Ensperity![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5560455 P.O. Box: 3333 Amman 11821 Jordan www.ensperity.com |
Epyasolutions![]() |
eSense software![]() |
ESKADENIA® Software![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5510717 Fax: +962-6-5510719 P.O. Box: 1555 Amman 11821 Jordan www.eskadenia.com |
Estarta Solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5330751 Fax: +962-6-5330752 P.O. Box: 941934 Amman 11194 Jordan www.estartasolutions.com |
Extensya![]() |
Fast Order Programming Co. (MariaSoft )![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5540806 Fax: +962-6-5540709 P.O. Box: 3030 Amman 11821 Jordan www.maria-soft.com Customer Service Number: +962 79 9886766 |
FeeBack![]() |
Financial Engineers![]() |
Tel: +962-77-5702570 Amman Jordan www.finengin.com Customer Service Number: +962-78-5805680 |
Focus Solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5544978 P.O. Box: 20194 Amman 11118 Jordan www.focuskm.com |
Fourth Dimension Systems (FDS)![]() |
Friendture![]() |
Future Applied Computer Technology - FACT![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5515155 Fax: +962-6-5515156 P.O. Box: 926785 Amman 11190 Jordan www.fact.com.jo |
Future Technology Systems Company (FutureTEC)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5538500 Fax: +962-6-5538501 P.O. Box: 5529 Amman 11953 Jordan www.Futuretec.me |
Gareeb mobile application![]() |
GCE Soft![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5536608 Fax: +962-6-5536607 https://www.gcesoft.com.jo/ |
General Computers & Electronics (GCE)![]() |
Globitel![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5300130 Fax: +962-6-5300144 P.O. Box: 1786 Amman 11821 Jordan www.globitel.com |
Golden Link Telecom![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4609999 www.goldenlink.jo |
GoSalez![]() |
Grapheast Jordan![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5852101 Fax: +962-6-5829405 P.O. Box: 19288 Amman 11196 Jordan www.grapheast.com Customer Service Number: +962-79-5888388 |
Green Circle Cyber Security![]() |
Gridberry![]() |
GSRApp![]() |
Hashdoc, Inc.![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5821488 P.O. Box: 940348 Amman 11194 Jordan www.hashdoc.com |
Hayyan Horizons![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5828676 Fax: +962-6-5828646 P.O. Box: 850850 Amman 11185 Jordan www.hayyan.com.jo |
HEAT for Engineering & Technology![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5861914 Fax: +962-6-5863725 P.O. Box: 140306 Amman 11814 Jordan www.heat.com.jo |
Hello World Kids![]() |
HighTik![]() |
Tel: +962-7-99313010 Amman Jordan http://www.hightik.com |
Huawei![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5822718 Fax: +962-6-5822548 Amman Jordan www.huawei.com |
HyperPay![]() |
ICC Ideas Corporate Communication![]() |
ICS Financial Systems Ltd. (ICSFS)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5344088 Fax: +962-6-5332651 P.O. Box: 950499 Amman 11195 Jordan www.icsfs.com |
Image Technologies (ITEC)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5540890 Fax: +962-6-5540894 P.O. Box: 2848 Amman 11953 Jordan www.itecj.com |
Imagine technologies![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5515383 Fax: +962-6-5527645 P.O. Box: 925288 Amman 11190 Jordan www.imagine.com.jo |
iMoneh![]() |
Info2cell![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5531140 Fax: +962-6-5531141 P.O. Box: 941410 Amman 11194 Jordan www.info2cell.com |
Information & Graphics Systems Consultants (Infograph)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5603546 Fax: +962-6-5602891 P.O. Box: 911021 Amman 11191 Jordan www.infograph.com.jo |
Innosteps![]() |
INSIGHT Business Solutions![]() |
Inspire for Solutions Development![]() |
Intellisc![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5560432 Fax: +962-6-5536928 P.O. Box: 2475 Amman 11821 Jordan www.intellisc.com |
IPass![]() |
Ipsos Jordan and Iraq![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5697193 Fax: +962-6-5697196 P.O. Box: 830871 Amman 11183 Jordan www.ipsos.com |
Iris Guard UK Ltd![]() |
IRIS Technology![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5536514 Fax: +962-6-5536894 P.O. Box: 5898 Amman 11194 Jordan www.itech.com.jo Customer Service Number: +962-78-5333681 |
IT Security Consulting & Training![]() |
Jabal Amman Publishers![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4645559 Fax: +962-6-4633385 P.O. Box: 3062 Amman 11181 Jordan |
Javna![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5858193 Fax: +962-6-5821460 P.O. Box: 850505 Amman 11185 Jordan www.javna.com Customer Service Number: +962-7-99182222 |
Jawaker![]() |
Jordan Advanced Fiber Company (Fibertech)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-2228888 / +962-78-2228888 Fax: +962-6-2228889 P.O. Box: 2783 Amman 11181 Jordan www.fibertechjo.com |
Jordan Business Systems (JBS)![]() |
Jordan Company for Managing & Tracking - Trak Link![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5412281 Fax: +962-6-5412282 P.O. Box: 172 Amman Jordan www.trak-link.com |
Jordan Data Systems (JDS) Part of the Midis Group![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5502000 Fax: +962-6-5502020 P.O. Box: 927060 Amman 11190 Jordan www.jds.com.jo |
Jordan Payments and Clearing Company (JOPACC)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4611888 Fax: +962-64611889 P.O. Box: 17440 Amman 11195 Jordan http://jopacc.com/ |
Jordan Tractor and Equipment Company![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5161141 Fax: +962-6-5161150 P.O. Box: 313 Amman 11118 Jordan www.jordantractor.com |
JorMall![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5823961 Fax: +962-6-5858951 P.O. Box: 9533 Amman 11191 Jordan www.jormall.com Customer Service Number: +962-7-75444418 |
JValley Software Solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5866707 Fax: +962-6-5866706 P.O. Box: 2482 Amman 11941 Jordan www.jvalley.net |
Kaizen Plus![]() |
KAIZEN365 Technology![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5520380 Fax: +962-6-5520390 P.O. Box: 1303 Amman 11947 Jordan www.Kaizen365-tech.com Customer Service Number: +962-77-0455982 |
Kalamntina![]() |
Kaleela![]() |
Kastana![]() |
Kharabeesh![]() |
Khareta for Real Estate Marketing![]() |
Tel: +962-6-2009976 P.O. Box: 855122 Amman 11855 Jordan https://khareta.com/ Customer Service Number: +962-79-5547777 |
Khawarizmi University Technical College (KUTC)![]() |
Khawarizmia![]() |
Tel: 00962-79-9031001 Amman 114506 Jordan www.khawarizmia.com Customer Service Number: 00962-79-9031001 |
King Abdullah II Fund for Development![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5822820 www.kafd.jo |
Kinz Jordan![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5603949 Fax: +962-6-5601570 Amman Jordan info.kinz.jo www.kinz.jo |
Knowledge Power Society (KPS)![]() |
Kutubee![]() |
Tel: +962-79-2111310 Amman Jordan www,kutubee.com Customer Service Number: +962-79-2111320 |
Labiba.ai![]() |
Leading Point![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5349980 Fax: +962-6-5349180 P.O. Box: 3053 Amman 11953 Jordan www.leading-point.com Customer Service Number: +962-6-5805680 |
Link Pro![]() |
LKD Technologies![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5374141 Fax: +962-6-5516404 P.O. Box: 851346 Amman 11185 Jordan https://lkdtech.com/ |
LogE (Logistics But Electronic) – Qaflah For Smart Applications L.L.C.![]() |
Luminus Group![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5799040 Fax: +962-6-5799049 |
Mada Communications![]() |
MadfoatCom![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5548483 Fax: +962-6-5528057 P.O. Box: 5570 Amman 11953 Jordan www.madfooat.com |
Manaf Soft![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5687868 Fax: +962-6-5687872 P.O. Box: 840337 Amman 11184 Jordan www.ManafSoft.com |
Maqsam![]() |
Marmara for Modern Software L.L.C.![]() |
Masera-Tech![]() |
Tel: +962-6- 5529494 Fax: +962-6-5529493 Amman Jordan www.masera.jo Customer Service Number: +962-79-9649210 |
Matrix Group![]() |
Matrix Software and Systems![]() |
Maysalward Trading Est.![]() |
Media Plus![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5522826 Fax: +962-6-5522836 P.O. Box: 6484 Amman 11118 Jordan www.mediaplus.com.jo |
Meeqat Computer Systems![]() |
MellBell Electronics![]() |
MenaIP - Cloud Store![]() |
Tel: +962-79-6246000 Fax: +962-6-5545319 P.O. Box: 840256 Amman 11184 Jordan www.menaip.net |
MenaITech![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5545314 Fax: +962-6-5545319 P.O. Box: 840256 Amman 11184 Jordan www.menaitech.com |
MG Paradigm![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5515595 Fax: +962-6-5515596 P.O. Box: 1290 Amman 11118 Jordan www.mgparadigm.com |
Microsoft Jordan![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5503444 Fax: +962-6-5503456 P.O. Box: 3321 Amman 11181 Jordan www.microsoft.com/jordan |
Middle East Payments Services "MEPS"![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5002250 Fax: +962-6-5002251 P.O. Box: 973 Amman 11953 Jordan www.mepspay.com |
Migrate![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5805370 Fax: +962-6-5805375 Amman Jordan www.migratemena.com |
Minagate![]() |
Mind Rockets![]() |
Minttechs Solutions![]() |
Mirage Business Solutions![]() |
Mirasoft (Sensetive System for Computer Technology)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4202112 Amman Jordan www.mirasofts.com Customer Service Number: +962-79-9318403 |
MIT Group![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5520750 Fax: +962-6-5520969 P.O. Box: 2280 Amman 11821 Jordan www.mitgroup.me |
Mkateb.com![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5605055 Fax: +962-6-5605085 Amman Jordan www.mkateb.com Customer Service Number: +962-7-96643926 |
MobiSoft![]() |
Modern Appliances Kingdom![]() |
Modern Scientific & Electronic co "MOSECO"![]() |
Monitoring Group![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5563959 Fax: +962-6-5533881 P.O. Box: 926505 Amman 11190 Jordan www.monitoring.jo |
Mozaic Innovative Solutions![]() |
Mozon Tech![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5655019 Fax: +962-6-5679208 P.O. Box: 840052 Amman 11184 Jordan www.mozon-tech.com |
Mrayti![]() |
Nafith Logistics Services![]() |
Natej for Information Technology (Natejsoft)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5152040 Fax: +962-6-5152050 P.O. Box: 513 Amman 11941 Jordan www.natejsoft.com |
Nejmy![]() |
Tel: 00962-6-5928293 Fax: 00962-6-5928293 P.O. Box: 950892 Amman 11195 Jordan www.nejmy.com |
Neogenesis![]() |
Tel: +962-6- 5823600 Fax: +962-6-5823680 P.O. Box: 852643 Amman 11185 Jordan www.neogenesis.com.jo |
Netcompany-Intrasoft![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4603333 Fax: +962-6-4622017 P.O. Box: 2323 Amman 11953 Jordan www.netcompany-intrasoft.com |
Network International Jordan![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5606829 Fax: +962-6-5680570 P.O. Box: 930026 Amman 11193 Jordan www.network.ae |
NewTek Solutions![]() |
Nibras![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5939376 Fax: +962-6-5939376 P.O. Box: 926642 Amman 11190 Jordan www.nibras.com |
Noqoush Mobile Media Group![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5885813 www.noqoush.com |
OFFTEC![]() |
Omicron Solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4643726 Fax: +962-6-4637474 P.O. Box: 215183 Amman 11122 Jordan http://www.omicron-jo.com/ |
Optimal Solution for Development![]() |
Oracle Systems Ltd![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5200800 www.oracle.com |
Orange Jordan![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4606666 Fax: +962-6-4606111 P.O. Box: 1689 Amman 11118 Jordan www.orange.jo |
Orange Money![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4606666 Fax: +962-6-4606111 P.O. Box: 1689 Amman 11118 Jordan www.orange.jo/en/orangemoney |
OrienTech Software Solutions![]() |
Tel: +96265655721 Fax: +9625655720 P.O. Box: 940473 Amman 11194 Jordan www.orientech.com.jo |
Origin Training & Technical Consultancy (OTrain)![]() |
Petra Express![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4400880 Fax: +962-6-4400770 Amman Jordan petraexpress.com |
Pioneers Information Technologies Co. LTD (Pio-Tech)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5514127 Fax: +962-6-5514129 P.O. Box: 885 Amman 11953 Jordan www.pio-tech.com |
Platform![]() |
POSRocket![]() |
Precise Thinking (Tfkeir)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5544664 P.O. Box: 4112 Amman 11953 Jordan www.Tfkeir.com Customer Service Number: +962-7-91548440 |
prema R&D![]() |
Primus![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5535733 Fax: +962-6-5535734 P.O. Box: 2147 Amman 11953 Jordan www.primus.com.jo |
PRO TECHnology![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5371444 Fax: +962-6-5371446 P.O. Box: 3266 Amman 11953 Jordan www.protech-jo.com |
Process and Smith![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5603196 P.O. Box: 954243 Amman 11954 Jordan www.processandsmith.com Customer Service Number: +962-79-7582333 |
Professional Data System Est. (ONIX Computers)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5650836 Fax: +962-6-5650837 P.O. Box: 925069 Amman 11110 Jordan www.onixcomputer.com Customer Service Number: +962-6-5650837 |
Professionals for Smart Technology (PST)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5522220 Fax: +962-6-5541234 P.O. Box: 3494 Amman 11953 Jordan www.pst.jo |
ProgressSoft Corporation![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5623000 Fax: +962-6-5690564 P.O. Box: 802 Amman 11941 Jordan www.progressoft.com |
Propeller Inc.![]() |
Prosys Software Solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5601550 Fax: +962-6-5602550 P.O. Box: 3798 Amman 11953 Jordan www.prosysjo.com |
ProTech![]() |
Protel![]() |
Qisas for Design and Digital Content - Digitales![]() |
Qiwi Jordan![]() |
Quality Business Solutions (QBS)![]() |
Tel: +962 6 566 9800 Fax: +962 6 566 9801 P.O. Box: 950836 Amman 11195 Jordan www.qbs.jo |
Quality Partners![]() |
QuiqClaim![]() |
Qumal![]() |
RealSoft Advanced Applications![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4644686 Amman Jordan www.recreasol.com Customer Service Number: +962-79-7587282 |
Repzo![]() |
Research and Development R&D Co![]() |
Rubikomm![]() |
Sago Training & Education![]() |
Tel: +962-79-9341717 www.sagoworld.com |
Sajilni Ltd![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5805683 www.sajilni.com |
Salasil Solutions LLC![]() |
Saleem![]() |
Salonat |
SAMSUNG Levant![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5807568 Fax: +962-6-5807225 https://www.samsung.com/levant/ |
SanadyMe![]() |
Sawwah![]() |
Sedra for e-Payment Solutions![]() |
Seniors IT![]() |
Seniorsit![]() |
Tel: +962 6 568 7788 Fax: +962 6 56 25259 Amman Jordan http://seniorsit.net/ Customer Service Number: +962-7-86113103 |
Sermon Business Solutions LLC![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5823344 Fax: +962-6-5824344 P.O. Box: 3535 Amman 11953 Jordan www.sermonsolutions.net |
ShamiSoft![]() |
Shoofni![]() |
Sky Software![]() |
SkyTech![]() |
Smart Cube Information Technology![]() |
Smart Systems![]() |
Smart Track Technologies LLC.![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5535399 Fax: +962-6-5535396 Amman Jordan www.smarttrack-jo.com Customer Service Number: +962795454662 |
SmartBuy![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5809999 Fax: +962-6-5809988 P.O. Box: 3922 Amman 11953 Jordan www.smartbuy.jo |
Smarter-VAS![]() |
Snackable News![]() |
Tel: +962-7-77979096 snackablenews.com |
Solfeh![]() |
Tel: +962-7-99798333 Fax: +962-6-5805462 Amman Jordan www.solfeh.com Customer Service Number: +962-7-75266616 |
Solid-Soft for information technology solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5657955 Fax: +962-6-5657944 P.O. Box: 590 Amman 11821 Jordan www.solid-soft.net Customer Service Number: +962-79-0090324 |
Souq.com![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5821236 P.O. Box: 830184 Amman 11183 Jordan www.souq.com |
SOURCEitHR![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5545314 Fax: +962-6-554-5319 P.O. Box: 840333 Amman 11184 Jordan www.sourceithr.com |
Special One company for technology![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4651793 Amman Jordan www.s1soft.com Customer Service Number: +962-79-6893407 |
Specialized Data Base Technologies (Palco)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5826602 Amman Jordan www.palco-me.com |
Specialized Technical Services (STS)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5802626 Fax: +962-6-5829213 P.O. Box: 950745 Amman 11195 Jordan www.sts.com.jo |
Spire Payments![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5864840 Fax: +962-6-5864838 P.O. Box: 851202 Amman 11185 Jordan www.spirepayments.com |
Sprintive![]() |
SSSProcess![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5857553 Fax: +962-6-5856526 P.O. Box: 852248 Amman 11185 Jordan www.SSSProcess.com |
Startappz![]() |
Sukoon![]() |
Synaptic![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5528700 Fax: +962-6-5528701 P.O. Box: 1054 Amman 11821 Jordan www.synaptic.com.jo |
SyndicTech![]() |
SYNTAX![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4612834 Fax: +962-6-4612834 P.O. Box: 1239 Amman 11941 Jordan www.syntaxdesign.com |
Systems & Electronic Development FZCO (SEDCO)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5533832 Fax: +962-6-5533831 P.O. Box: 960703 Amman 11196 Jordan www.sedco.co |
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Information Technology International (TAGITI)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5100900 Fax: +962-6-5100901 P.O. Box: 921100 Amman 11192 Jordan www.tagiti.com |
Tamatem Games![]() |
TechMinds Consulting![]() |
Technosys Group![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5538110 Fax: +962-6-5538039 P.O. Box: 940426 Amman 11194 Jordan www.TECHNOhome.net |
TechnoTouch![]() |
Telecom Enterprise![]() |
TeleFinity![]() |
Telephoenic![]() |
Tenders Jo![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4205541 Fax: +962-6-4205581 P.O. Box: 630737 Amman 11163 Jordan www.tenderjo.com |
Terkwaz Business Solutions![]() |
Tesco![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5528147 Fax: +962-6-5528154 P.O. Box: 2147 Amman 11181 Jordan http://www.tesco.com.jo |
The Address Business & Trainning Center![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5562555 Fax: +962-6-5562515 P.O. Box: 950579 Amman 11195 Jordan www.theaddress.info |
The Green Promise![]() |
The Online Project![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4633772 Fax: +962-6-4658206 P.O. Box: 840616 Amman 11184 Jordan www.theonlineproject.me |
The Solutions Unit. Part of Shnoudi Trading Co. (STC)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5516388 Fax: +962-6-5520801 P.O. Box: 9714 Amman Jordan www.thesolutionsunit.com |
The Tank by Umniah![]() |
Token Masters![]() |
Tomandora![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5861730 Fax: +962-6-5861780 P.O. Box: 840666 Amman 11181 Jordan www.tomandora.com |
Tqween![]() |
Trismart Group![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5607175 Amman Jordan www.trismartgroup.com |
Trust Smart Solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5866020 Fax: +962-6-5866021 Amman Jordan http://www.trustsl.com |
Umniah![]() |
Tel: +962-6-2002000 Fax: +962-6-2003383 P.O. Box: 942481 Amman 11194 Jordan www.umniah.com Customer Service Number: +962-7-88001333 |
Unifonic![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5540555 Fax: +962-6-5540888 www.unifonic.com |
Unihance![]() |
United Business Applications (UBA)![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5652002 Fax: +962-6-5659009 P.O. Box: 942181 Amman 11194 Jordan www.uba.com.jo |
United Electronics![]() |
User Testing Arabic![]() |
Tel: +962-79-5295826 Amman Jordan www.usertestingarabic.com Customer Service Number: +962-77-8152982 |
UWallet![]() |
VARARI![]() |
Vardot![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5817612 Fax: +962-6-5817212 P.O. Box: 852277 Amman 1185 Jordan www.vardot.com |
VASMob![]() |
Versatile Soluotions- Versos![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5539297 P.O. Box: 3492 Amman 11953 Jordan www.versos.com.sa |
Viacloud![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5858711 Amman Jordan www.viacloud.com |
ViaVii![]() |
VTEL Jordan![]() |
WASM Weather![]() |
Wasslz![]() |
Websitejo for web design and app design![]() |
Tel: +962-79-0080432 ِAmman Jordan websitejo.com https://websitejo.com/ Customer Service Number: +962-79-0080432 |
WeWebIt![]() |
White Seagull![]() |
Tel: +962-6-4001514 wsnetsolutions.com |
whyise![]() |
Wunderman Amman![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5530421 Fax: +962-6-5530492 P.O. Box: 940762 Amman 11194 Jordan www.wunderman-amman.com |
Xina![]() |
Yotta Solutions![]() |
Zain Cash![]() |
Zain Innovation Campus (ZINC)![]() |
Zain Jordan![]() |
Tel: +962-79-7900900 Fax: +962-79-8510602 P.O. Box: 940821 Amman 11194 Jordan www.jo.zain.com |
Zaki Al Ghul![]() |
ZenHR Solutions![]() |
Tel: +962-6-5777500 Fax: +962-6-5777505 P.O. Box: 841137 Amman 11181 Jordan www.zenhrsolutions.com |