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About the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MoDEE)


The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MoDEE) promotes Jordan’s digital economy and entrepreneurship through legislative and regulatory reform, increasing the quality and scale of the digital transformation of government institutions and the economy, and supporting the growth of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Previously the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MoICT), the Ministry’s name and mandate were altered in 2019 to reflect its increasingly vital role in driving forward Jordan’s digital economy, and the importance of entrepreneurship as a catalyst in this transformation. 
The Ministry’s digital mandate assigns it the responsibility to implement a number of critical and crosscutting functions supporting the improved functioning of government, the private sector, and citizen-oriented services. This includes transforming the governance and accessibility of data, through introducing new or modified regulations and policies, increasing the digitization of government services, especially to citizens and residents, and improving the business enabling environment for the ICT and telecom sector, amongst other vital functions. 
The Ministry’s entrepreneurship mandate also assigns it the responsibility of supporting the growth and competitiveness of the entrepreneurship ecosystem through driving regulatory reform, improving access to finance, training, and capacity building, increasing linkages with the private sector, including through representative public-private bodies, and other forms of support provided to entrepreneurs, startups, small, medium, and large enterprises. 
The joint World Bank and MoDEE-led USD 200 million project, Youth, Technology and Jobs (YTJ), supports in operationalizing the Ministry’s mandate, accelerating the digital transformation of Jordan, increasing the economic participation of youth in the digital economy, and supporting the growth of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. 
In addition to implementing a wide array of activities, MoDEE has recently developed several strategies and policies, including; (a) the National Digital Transformation Strategy, which focuses on improving existing policies and regulations, data analytics and reporting, partnerships with the private sector, technology enablement and deployment, and monitoring and evaluation, developing updated key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets for MoDEE and other relevant stakeholders, (b) Jordan’s National Entrepreneurship Policy, which includes an implementation plan of relevant, multi-stakeholder activities, and (c) the Jordan Social Entrepreneurship Policy and Roadmap, which provides recommendations on regulatory reform and a high-level roadmap to develop the ecosystem.


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